(The Penrose Preternatural) Dozens Dead in Magical Skirmish at Penrose Stadium

Written By: Christine West

The word “Catastrophe” scarcely does the days incident justice. With as many parties involved as their were, it was inevitable for a large number of civilian casualties. But, as we have been informed by onsite Reporters, who assisted in recovering bodies with the emergency services, the numbers of dead built up over the course of the battle were “truly staggering”.

Following a monster attack on a stadium full of civilians awaiting a baseball game set to take place that day, the arrival of a number of Magical Girls – including one, seemingly a stimulating factor to the destruction, and presumed servant of a Horror – began the spiral of death that persisted until a Greater Horror, spawned by some or another Patron, was slain.

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Presumed Terror Attack Wracks Penrose Following Cathedral Destruction

Written By: Rebecca Suthers

The dark clouds that surround Penrose seem to grow ever dimmer each day, with no sign of reprieve. Serial killings and terrorist attacks almost seem common place in this society of ours – a statement no man nor woman should ever have to make with serious intent. With such awful events occurring on a near enough daily basis, it is to be wondered if the streets of Penrose will ever return to their once and former safety – and if the people that walk them will ever trust that peace again.

Continue reading “Presumed Terror Attack Wracks Penrose Following Cathedral Destruction”

(The Penrose Preternatural) Could Trial of Janet Howell Turn A New Leaf for Beacon?

Written By: Samuel Brook

Another day begins in Penrose – a brighter dawn for some but for others, perhaps, a darker horizon awaits. Justice, in the magical sense, has always been a term thrown around a lot in the world: who is guilty of this, who is guilty of that, and all the laws that exist between every faction, distinguishing one from Magical Girl and Dark Magical Girl. “Justice” is what people make it, and whoever makes justice holds immense power.

For a long time, Beacon has been a forerunner in pioneering justice for the magical world. Their policing of the streets, execution of Monster Girls, and the excommunication of their disreputable members have, for the longest of times, placed them as the truest and. supposedly, most fair faction of Penrose, if not the world. Their compass pointed true, to the light they so desperately wished to spread.

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(The Penrose Preternatural) Survivor of Serial Killings Sheds First Light On “The Vixen”

Written By: Scarlet Webster

With the serial killings as of late becoming more and more frequent, it was perhaps fated that, some day, at some point, by some miracle, one victim might just survive. With the numerous killings, now over twenty in just these past months, many a civilian fear for their lives outside their homes, and wonder just what kind of measures the police are taking to prevent crimes like this from happening again. Indeed, even some magical girls are scared, despite their power.

Our reporters recently met with two anonymous sources – one of which, a member of The Beacon, and the other, a survivor of the attacks. Following the deaths of four Beacon members at the hand of this killer, we felt it our duty to receive word from a member of the organisation, to better understand their situation, and the way they feel in regards to the incidents.

Continue reading “(The Penrose Preternatural) Survivor of Serial Killings Sheds First Light On “The Vixen””

(The Penrose Preternatural) 37 Dead In Magic Based Terror Attack

Written By: Charlotte Suthers

Editors Note: Many readers of the magical world might have viewed our last report, regarding the casualties in Penrose City, to be a falsehood. As a source covering the mundane and magical, it is our job to cater to the normal populous, as well as the magical world. As such, our new policy is to list magical articles with the tag: The Penrose Preternatural. This should, we hope, clear up any confusion with reports and their designated audiences.

Earlier today, an attack was conducted on civilians within Penrose City. At least thirty seven human casualties have been confirmed, with many more injured, as a result of the unprecedented assault. The most reasonable explanation for this attack may have been a pipe explosion, as we have reported prior to this article, however this is not the case. The truth is much more sinister.

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37 Confirmed Dead In Underground Pipe Explosion

Written By: Charlotte Suthers

Thirty seven civilian casualties have been confirmed dead this evening after a deadly road collision in Penrose City. Reports have come in that First Responders arrived on site twenty minutes after news of the incident struck, with their way blocked by a vast amount of congestion caused by the accident.

Continue reading “37 Confirmed Dead In Underground Pipe Explosion”

Police Appeal for Witnesses After Latest Serial Killing

Written by: Eden Campbell

Dark days have been plaguing our city as of late. Penrose may have been a strange city prior to these past months, but it can’t be said that such occurrences have any lessened throughout them. The city has seen its fair share of hardship, if not more so, and nothing seems to be alleviating any time soon. The world is indeed dangerous, but Penrose feels to be a beacon for those kinds of issues.

One of these dangers are the serial killings in recent times. Horrific acts of violence against innocent people, both in the middle of the night and broad daylight. Without witness reports, there is no evidence for what kind of culprit could be behind them, but something terrible is going on in regards to them. Even in a city such as this, plagued with oddities and abnormal events, innocent civilians should feel safe to wander the streets, no matter the time of day, and yet they are robbed of the right to do so.
Continue reading “Police Appeal for Witnesses After Latest Serial Killing”